

Pulp – Different Class

Pod #36  and this week we flash back to 1995, and Pulp’s ‘Different Class’. WG struggles to effectively describe Sheffield and ends up just making shit up. TD’s memory once again fails him (consistently, repetitively, and without a shred of irony) and The Golden Ducks suddenly go all deep on us and question the significance…

The Stone Roses – The Stone Roses

For our 18th podcast we flash back to 1989 and The Stone Roses eponymous debut. 

Covering all imperative topics this week for example what the actual description for a bathroom cabinet is (ummm a bathroom cabinet), Walt Gold’s yawning getting out of control and The Dude drops a bombshell about this album that outrages Walt Gold. 

Will a 20 year friendship prevail or has The Dude thrown a proverbial spanner into the works?

Oasis – (What’s The Story) Morning Glory?

For our 2nd Episode, we tackle, the 2nd studio album by English rock band Oasis – (What’s The Story) Morning Glory?

Claimed to have sold over 22 million copies worldwide, making it one of the best-selling albums of all time, and appears on several lists of the greatest albums in rock music.

As of July 2018, it is the UK’s 5th best-selling album of all time, having sold over 4.7 million copies, and was also the biggest-selling album of the 1990s in the UK.